Dr. Paul Street presents: “The Resistance: Why Trump Triumphed and What We Can and Now Must Do”

Join Open University of the Left on Saturday December 17 at 2:30 pm at the Lincoln Park Public Library 1150 W. Fullerton Ave. Chicago (at Damen), free parking, wheelchair accessible, (Red Line: Fullerton).

Dr. Paul Street presents: “The Resistance: Why Trump Triumphed and What We Can and Now Must Do”

Paul Street will examine the sources of Donald Trump’s remarkable victory in the U.S. presidential election, the dangers posed by Trump/Trumpism, the resistance that is now required, and the special role of the Left in leading that resistance.

Street is the former Vice President for Research and Planning and Director of Research at the Chicago Urban League (from 2000 through 2005), where he published numerous grant-funded studies. Additionally, he has taught various aspects of U.S. History at a large number of Chicago-area colleges and universities.

Currently, he is an independent radical-democratic policy researcher, journalist, historian, author and speaker based in Iowa City, Iowa and Chicago, Illinois. Street is a regular political commentator at teleSur English and has been seen in more than 70 radio and television interviews. He has authored seven books to date and his essays, articles, reviews and commentaries have appeared in a wide variety of media venues such as Counterpunch, Truthdig, Black Agenda Report, the Chicago Tribune, The New York Times, CNN, Al Jazeera, and Fox News to name only a few.

OUL events are free of charge and open to the public.

Join the low traffic email announcement list (yahoo group) at:
[email protected]

Previous OUL video presentations are available for viewing on the YouTube channel of theOpen University of the Left:


Now Up On YouTube, Dr. Peter Hudis, Frantz Fanon On Race, Recognition, and Revolution Reconsidered

Now Up On YouTube, Dr. Peter Hudis, Frantz Fanon On Race, Recognition, and Revolution Reconsidered.

The YouTube video of Saturday, November 19, 2016 is now available for viewing on the YouTube channel of the Open University of the Left.

YouTube Presentation:

All OUL events are free of charge and open to the public.

Join the low traffic email announcement list (yahoo group) at:
[email protected]

Previous OUL video presentations along with this one are available for viewing on the same YouTube channel: Open Univ of the Left      


Dr. Peter Hudis presents: “Frantz Fanon on Race, Recognition, and Revolution Reconsidered”

Join Open University of the Left on Saturday November 19 at 2:30 pm at the Lincoln Park Public Library 1150 W. Fullerton Ave. Chicago (at Damen), free parking, wheelchair accessible, (Red Line: Fullerton).

Dr. Peter Hudis presents: “Frantz Fanon on Race, Recognition, and Revolution Reconsidered”

Open University of the Left welcomes back Dr. Peter Hudis. Today’s struggles against police abuse, racial injustice, and social inequality have produced a rebirth of interest in Frantz Fanon (1926-1961) the Caribbean-born philosopher, psychiatrist, and activist who became a leading theoretician of the African revolutions against colonialism and capitalism. Peter Hudis, author of “Frantz Fanon, Philosopher of the Barricades” (Pluto Press, 2015) will speak on the contemporary importance of his ideas.

Peter Hudis is Professor of Philosophy and Humanities at Oakton Community College and author of numerous works on Hegelian philosophy, Marxian theory, and Critical Race Studies. He is also author of “Marx’s concept of the Alternative to Capitalism” and is General Editor of “The Complete Works of Rosa Luxembourg.” He is a member of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization.

All OUL events are free of charge and open to the public.

Join the low traffic email announcement list (yahoo group) at:
[email protected]

Previous OUL video presentations are available for viewing on the YouTube channel of the Open University of the Left:


Now Up on YouTube: Dr. Mel Rothenberg

The YouTube video of Saturday, October15, 2016, “Contemporary Capitalism and Why We Need Marxism,” is now available on the YouTube channel of the Open University of the Left.

All OUL events are free of charge and open to the public.

Join the low traffic email announcement list (yahoo group) at:
[email protected]

Previous OUL video presentations along with this one are available for viewing on the YouTube channel of the Open University of the Left:


Dr. Melvin Rothenberg: “Contemporary Capitalism and Why We Need Marxism.”

Join Open University of the Left on Saturday October 15 at 2:30 pm at the Lincoln Park Public Library 1150 W. Fullerton Ave (at Damen). Chicago, free parking, wheelchair accessible, (Red Line: Fullerton).

Dr. Melvin Rothenberg will present the paper: “Contemporary Capitalism and Why We Need Marxism.”

Dr. Rothenberg along with Dr. Bruce Parry authored this paper in which they argue that a Marxist materialist analysis, whose basics they sketch, remains fundamental in understanding the political, social and economic character of our current international capitalist order. They assert that, specifically, any political movement that aims to radically transform this order in the direction of socialism must have a strategy based on Marxism. They argue for this position by doing a wide ranging analysis of current imperialism and its particular contemporary character, emphasizing, as Marx would, the fundamental technological developments that have altered the relations of production over the past fifty years and the critical impact this has had on the lives of working people both in the imperialist centers and in their neo-colonies.
For a free copy of this paper, send an email to: [email protected]

Dr. Melvin Rothenberg is a Professor Emeritus of Mathematics from the University of Chicago. He is an author of books and articles on economics and political topics of interest to the left. He has been a political activist for 60 years. Dr. Bruce Parry is a retired Economics Professor from the University of Baltimore and writes on Marxist political economy. He has been a political activist for 40 years. Both are members of the Chicago Political Economy Group (CPEG).

All OUL events are free of charge and open to the public.

Join the low traffic email announcement list (yahoo group) at:
[email protected]

Previous OUL video presentations are available for viewing on the YouTube channel of the Open University of the Left:



Now up on you-tube: Video of Vincent Emanuele 09-24 “Creating an Effective Left for an Unstable Future,”

The video of Saturday, September 24, 2016, “Creating an Effective Left for an Unstable Future,” is now available on YouTube channel of the Open University of the Left.

Join the low traffic email announcement list (yahoo group) at:
[email protected]

Previous OUL video presentations are available for viewing on the YouTube channel of the Open University of the Left:


Vince Emanuele presents: “Creating an Effective Left for an Unstable Future”

Join Open University of the Left on Saturday September 24 at 2:30 pm at the Lincoln Park Public Library 1150 W. Fullerton Ave. (Cross street Damen) Chicago, free parking, (Red Line: Fullerton)

Vince Emanuele presents: “Creating an Effective Left for an unstable Future”

Social movements around the globe are losing. Capitalism continues to devastate both humans and non-humans alike; militarism is expanding; and climate change threatens our very existence. People are resisting, but with limited results. Why? How can the Left better address current concerns while preparing for an uncertain future?

Vincent Emanuele is a writer, activist and radio journalist. After his second tour of duty in Iraq with the United States Marine Corps, Vincent refused a third deployment and subsequently joined the anti-war movement. since then, he has worked with social movements around the world. Vincent’s writings have appeared in Z Communications, CounterPunch, Truthout, teleSUR English and AlterNet. He currently hosts the weekly radio program “Meditations and Molotovs” which airs every Monday at 2:00 pm (EDT) on the Progressive Radio Network.

All OUL events are free of charge and open to the public.

Join the low traffic email announcement list (yahoo group) at: [email protected]

Previous OUL video presentations are available for viewing on the YouTube channel of the Open University of the Left: https://www.youtube.com/user/OpenUnivoftheLeft

Joe Allen presents: The Package King: A Rank and File History of UPS

Join Open University of the Left on Saturday August 20 at 2:30 pm at the Lincoln Park Public Library (corner Racine)
1150 W. Fullerton Ave. Chicago, free parking (Red Line: Fullerton)

Open University of the Left welcomes back Joe Allen. Nineteen years ago (August 3, 1997) UPS/Teamsters with pilots and machinists began a successful three week strike that has been virtually erased from the public memory.

Major biographies of the era, make no mention of the UPS strike. This deliberate act of political amnesia extends to the Teamster leadership of today who while celebrating the strike on appropriate occasions, fail to even mention Ron Carey who led it. Yet, the contract campaign and strike live on in other surprising ways. Looking back two decades now, it is not difficult to see that it was one of the parents of today’s Fight for $15 movement as well as other campaigns for social justice up and down the logistics supply chain. It’s time for this generation to bring those struggles back to UPS.

Joe Allen worked for nearly a decade at UPS. Starting out as a part-time loader, he worked his way through a series of part-time sorting and driving jobs until in his final year at UPS he was a package car driver in Chicago’s Loop. Allen’s work life has largely revolved around different sections of the freight and logistics industry. He has been a member of several Teamster local unions and a member of Teamsters for a Democratic Union. He campaigned for Ron Carey’s reelection in 1996. He has lived in Chicago for two decades.

His previous books, Vietnam:The (Last) War the U.S. Lost and ‘People Wasn’t Made to Burn’: A True Story of Race, Murder, and Justice in Chicago were both published by Haymarket Books. Joe Allen has been a socialist since he was in high School. He studied for several years at U-Mass Boston. Allen has written over the years for Socialist Worker (U.S.), Counterpunch, In These Times and other publications.

All prior video programs are viewable on our archive YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/OpenUnivoftheLeft/

Join the yahoo group (list) at:
[email protected]

All Open University of the Left programs are free and are open to all.

Now Up on YouTube, Jerry Harris, “Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Democracy”

Now Up on YouTube, Jerry Harris, “Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Democracy”

The YouTube video of Saturday, July 9, 2016 is now available for viewing on the YouTube channel of the Open University of the Left.


All prior video programs are viewable on our YouTube page.

Our website is located at:


Join the yahoo group (list) at: [email protected]