The following alternate location is scheduled for this event.
Join Open University of the Left on Saturday May 25 at 2:30 pm at the Logan Square Branch of the Chicago Public Library 3030 W. Fullerton Ave. (cross street: Sacramento) Chicago, free parking, wheelchair accessible (Bus Route: 74 Fullerton, Blue Line: Logan Square)
Danny Postel and Dr. William Mazzarella presents: “Populism, Trumpism and the Left”
Trump, Bolsonaro, Orban, Modi, Erdogan, Salvini, Duerte, Sisi, how should we make sense of this surge of authoritarian populism across the globe? What are the forces driving this phenomena? Is it more about economic conditions or racial anxieties– or some combination? What does the rise of populist parties and leaders mean for democracy, and for progressive movements in the US and globally? What is needed to combat it? Is “left populism” the solution, as a recent Jacobin essay asked? Or, is populism a decidedly right-wing force at this point, its left-wing history irretrievably lost? What role do emotions play in populist politics? Can we build an effective politics that is not effective?
William Mazzarella and Danny Postel will explore these and other questions in dialogue.
William Mazzarella is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Chicago. Danny Postel is Assistant Director of the Middle East and North African Studies Program at Northwestern University and Visiting Lecturer in the International Studies Program at University of Illinois Chicago.
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